What is Dermaplaning Facial?
Dermaplaning is a precise physical exfoliation treatment that gently removes the top layer of dead skin cells along with any fine hair on the face. The result is exceptionally smooth skin with no downtime. This gentle treatment is safe and effective for even the most sensitive skin types.
Dermaplaning is available as an add-on service to many of our facials.
This type of exfoliation triggers cell regeneration, allowing skincare products to penetrate the skin in a more efficient manner. Dermaplaning is used to remove excess facial hair as well.
Myth buster: That very fine hair on the face known as “vellus hairs” will not grow back thicker or darker. However, dermaplaning is not recommended for removing very dark, coarse hair from the face.
Candidates for Dermaplaning
Dermaplaning is great for people with dry or rough skin textures. Dermaplaning is also great for the treatment of aging, mature skin that tends to develop a buildup of dead skin cells. Cellular turnover also slows down with age. Dermaplaning does what a skin “scrubbing” can’t do. Scrubbing can damage delicate facial skin. Dermaplaning brightens your skin, leaving it smooth and refreshed.
What to Expect After Your Dermaplaning Treatment
Dermaplaning uses a technique that requires a very delicate touch. Facial skin calls for a skilled hand for the successful resurfacing of the skin. When completed, there is no downtime. A freshly treated face will “glow” with radiance. You will see and feel dramatic results instantly in the texture and tone of your skin This treatment improves cell turnover, wrinkles, and dark spots. Facial “peach fuzz” will be gone and fine lines will be less noticeable
Removal of fine facial hair is a plus because debris and excess oils become trapped on the hair and make your skin look dull. Once dermaplaning is completed, you will find that your skincare products work much more effectively. They are able to penetrate the skin as intended and your makeup will go on smoother.
How Often Should You Get a Dermaplaning Facial?
You should get a dermaplaning facial every three to four weeks. Each session takes around 30 minutes and requires no downtime.
Does Dermaplaning Shave Your Face?
Dermaplaning is the act of shaving your face with a single blade that resembles a scalpel to help remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz. While it is similar to shaving, dermaplaning delivers exfoliation along with hair removal. Some experts say that it effectively removes unwanted hair from the face.
How Many Dermaplaning Sessions Are Needed to See Results?
The number of dermaplaning sessions required to see results varies depending on the individual and their skin type. However, most people benefit from a course of at least 4 treatments over a short period of time.
Clients can expect to see results rather quickly, with most seeing the best results after three sessions. Patients should wait four or even six weeks between treatments, and at least three or four weeks in between sessions.
Will Dermaplaning Cause Hair Growth?
Dermaplaning does not cause hair to grow back thicker or darker. This is because the very fine vellus hairs that are removed during dermaplaning are cut bluntly at the end, which may feel slightly different but will not cause any changes in thickness or darkness.
How Much Does Dermaplaning Cost?
The cost of dermaplaning can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the number of sessions required to see results, if additional treatments are combined, the size of the area to be treated, the medical professional performing the procedure, and the geographical location. It is recommended that you consult with BotoxRN and MedSpa for an accurate estimate of their dermaplaning costs.
Where to Get Dermaplaning Done Near Me? Who Does Dermaplaning in My Area?
Dermaplaning is an excellent cosmetic treatment that is capable of rejuvenating the look and feel of the skin without the need for invasive surgical procedures. BotoxRN is glad to discuss this treatment and the benefits it can provide during a consultation in our Houston office. If you’re interested in learning more, please schedule a complimentary consultation so we can evaluate your skin and discuss possible treatment options.